Showing posts with label Language Arts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Language Arts. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Digital StoryTelling

Stories are wonderful - especially when children can create them to share their knowledge and excitement for a particular topic. In all areas of Core Curriculum Content Standards, whether its Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, etc., students can use digital storytelling to share information and receive feedback. As we become more involved with integrating technology standards 8.1 and 8.2 within the CCCS for each discipline, we allow the students to use their skills to embrace learning of the present and future.

Here's a site to get you started - This site is free and you can view projects already uploaded on the system. Here's some points to help you get started:
7 elements of digital storytelling

*Point of view – What? Who? Why? What is the story only you can tell?

*Dramatic Question – What makes a good story – what hooks us?

*Emotional Content - Is it engaging to me – the reader?

*Voice - Who is telling the story?

*Soundtrack – optional – watch copyright violations

*Economy - how many panels to get the point across? No more than 3 minutes.

*Pacing – need to allow time to reflect and should vary. Pauses are important.