Here's a site to get you started - This site is free and you can view projects already uploaded on the system. Here's some points to help you get started:
7 elements of digital storytelling
*Point of view – What? Who? Why? What is the story only you can tell?
*Dramatic Question – What makes a good story – what hooks us?
*Emotional Content - Is it engaging to me – the reader?
*Voice - Who is telling the story?
*Soundtrack – optional – watch copyright violations
*Economy - how many panels to get the point across? No more than 3 minutes.
*Pacing – need to allow time to reflect and should vary. Pauses are important.
*Point of view – What? Who? Why? What is the story only you can tell?
*Dramatic Question – What makes a good story – what hooks us?
*Emotional Content - Is it engaging to me – the reader?
*Voice - Who is telling the story?
*Soundtrack – optional – watch copyright violations
*Economy - how many panels to get the point across? No more than 3 minutes.
*Pacing – need to allow time to reflect and should vary. Pauses are important.